NR1H4 Knockout HepG2 Cell Line
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Product ID: LM02045012504
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- 产品描述
- 细胞复苏
- 细胞传代
- 细胞冻存
- 抗体验证结果
- Brand: ELEM粒曼
- Commodity name: NR1H4 Knockout HepG2 Cell Line
- Commodity ID: LM02045012504
- Gene Symbol: NR1H4 BAR FXR HRR1 RIP14
- NCBI Gene ID: 9971
- Ensembl ID: ENSG00000012504
- Uniprot ID: Q96RI1
- 宿主细胞 / 类型: HepG2/人肝癌细胞
- 规格: 1×10^6 cells/ 冻存管
- 生长培养基: MEM(含NEAA)+10% FBS+1% P,S
- 筛选标记: N/A
- 生长特性: 贴壁细胞,上皮细胞样
- 培养条件: 37℃,5% CO2 的培养箱,1/2 到 1/4 传代
- 倍增时间: ~40-60 hours
- 参考换液频率: 2~3次/周
- 支原体检测结果: 阴性
- 敲除效率(Sanger测序): 100%
- 蛋白质组验证结果: N/A
- 抗体货号: 添加中
- 目标基因介绍: [Isoform 1]: Promotes transcriptional activation of target genes NR0B2/SHP (inducible by unconjugated CDCA), SLC51B/OSTB (inducible by unconjugated CDCA and DCA) and FABP6/IBAP; low activity for ABCB11/BSEP (inducible by unconjugated CDCA, DCA and ACA); not inducible by taurine- and glycine-amidated CDCA.||[Isoform 2]: Promotes transcriptional activation of target genes ABCB11/BSEP (inducible by unconjugated CDCA, DCA and ACA), NR0B2/SHP (inducible by unconjugated CDCA DCA and ACA), SLC51B/OSTB (inducible by unconjugated CDCA and DCA) and FABP6/IBAP; not inducible by taurine- and glycine-amidated CDCA.||[Isoform 3]: Promotes transcriptional activation of target genes NR0B2/SHP (inducible by unconjugated CDCA), SLC51B/OSTB (inducible by unconjugated CDCA and DCA) and IBAP; low activity for ABCB11/BSEP (inducible by unconjugated CDCA, DCA and ACA); not inducible by taurine- and glycine-amidated CDCA.||[Isoform 4]: Promotes transcriptional activation of target genes ABCB11/BSEP (inducible by unconjugated CDCA, ACA and DCA), NR0B2/SHP (inducible by unconjugated CDCA, ACA and DCA), SLC51B/OSTB (inducible by unconjugated CDCA and DCA) and FABP6/IBAP; most efficient isoform compared to isoforms 1 to 3; not inducible by taurine- and glycine-amidated CDCA.||Ligand-activated transcription factor. Receptor for bile acids (BAs) such as chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), lithocholic acid, deoxycholic acid (DCA) and allocholic acid (ACA). Plays a essential role in BA homeostasis through the regulation of genes involved in BA synthesis, conjugation and enterohepatic circulation. Also regulates lipid and glucose homeostasis and is involved innate immune response (PubMed:10334992, PubMed:10334993, PubMed:21383957, PubMed:22820415). The FXR-RXR heterodimer binds predominantly to farnesoid X receptor response elements (FXREs) containing two inverted repeats of the consensus sequence 5'-AGGTCA-3' in which the monomers are spaced by 1 nucleotide (IR-1) but also to tandem repeat DR1 sites with lower affinity, and can be activated by either FXR or RXR-specific ligands. It is proposed that monomeric nuclear receptors such as NR5A2/LRH-1 bound to coregulatory nuclear responsive element (NRE) halfsites located in close proximity to FXREs modulate transcriptional activity (By similarity). In the liver activates transcription of the corepressor NR0B2 thereby indirectly inhibiting CYP7A1 and CYP8B1 (involved in BA synthesis) implicating at least in part histone demethylase KDM1A resulting in epigenomic repression, and SLC10A1/NTCP (involved in hepatic uptake of conjugated BAs). Activates transcription of the repressor MAFG (involved in regulation of BA synthesis) (By similarity). Activates transcription of SLC27A5/BACS and BAAT (involved in BA conjugation), ABCB11/BSEP (involved in bile salt export) by directly recruiting histone methyltransferase CARM1, and ABCC2/MRP2 (involved in secretion of conjugated BAs) and ABCB4 (involved in secretion of phosphatidylcholine in the small intestine) (PubMed:12754200, PubMed:15471871, PubMed:17895379). Activates transcription of SLC27A5/BACS and BAAT (involved in BA conjugation), ABCB11/BSEP (involved in bile salt export) by directly recruiting histone methyltransferase CARM1, and ABCC2/MRP2 (involved in secretion of conjugated BAs) and ABCB4 (involved in secretion of phosphatidylcholine in the small intestine) (PubMed:10514450, PubMed:15239098, PubMed:16269519). In the intestine activates FGF19 expression and secretion leading to hepatic CYP7A1 repression (PubMed:12815072, PubMed:19085950). The function also involves the coordinated induction of hepatic KLB/beta-klotho expression (By similarity). Regulates transcription of liver UGT2B4 and SULT2A1 involved in BA detoxification; binding to the UGT2B4 promoter seems to imply a monomeric transactivation independent of RXRA (PubMed:12806625, PubMed:16946559).
- 细胞开发路径: 采用CRISPR-RNP方法生成稳定KO Cell Pool;Sanger 测序结果显示KO Cell Pool敲除效率100%
- 应用: 高敲除效率的基因敲除细胞系(KO Cell Line),特别适用于初步功能分析、复杂疾病模型的开发、精准药物筛选以及广泛的基因发现研究。
Key words:- NR1H4 BAR FXR HRR1 RIP14
01. 在 37℃水浴中预热完全培养基。
02. 将冻存管在 37℃水浴中解冻 1-2 分钟。
03. 将冻存管转移到生物安全柜中,并用 70% 乙醇擦拭表面。
04. 拧开冻存管管盖,将细胞悬液轻轻转移到含有 9mL 完全培养基的无菌离心管中。
05. 在室温下以 125g 离心 5-7 分钟,弃上清。
06. 用 5mL 的完整培养基重悬细胞沉淀,将细胞悬液转移到 T25 培养瓶中。
07. 将细胞转移到 37℃,5% CO2 的培养箱中培养。
08. 参考传代比例:1/2 到 1/4 传代,2-3 天长满。 -
01. 待培养瓶中细胞汇合度至 80%-90% 以上,可进行细胞传代。
02. 将培养基、PBS、胰酶(0.25%Trypsin_EDTA Gibco 25200-056) 等从 4℃冰箱中拿出, 置于 37℃水浴中温度接近 37℃时取出并在瓶子表面喷洒 75% 酒精后置于生物安全柜中。03. 从培养箱中取出待传代的培养瓶,瓶身喷洒 75% 酒精后置于生物安全柜中。
04. 为避免冲散细胞,沿培养瓶上壁 PBS 润洗细胞,清洗细胞后弃去,T25 加 2mL。
05. 加入对应体积的胰酶(T75 加 1.5mL, T25 加 0.5mL) ,并轻轻晃动瓶身使胰酶平铺满细胞 底部。可根据实际情况适当增加或减少用量。约 1-2min 后大部分细胞脱落时,加入对应体积的完全培养基终止消化,并用 5mL 移液管轻轻吹打至细胞全部脱落。
06. 将细胞悬液转移至 15mL 离心管,悬液 300g 离心 5min,弃上清。
07. 移取 5mL 完全培养基重悬细胞,按需求调整接种比例,并补充培养瓶中完全培养基,T75 加至 13-15mL,T25 加至 5mL,加 1% 双抗。
08. 盖上瓶盖拧紧后轻轻晃动瓶身,使细胞混合均匀后置于 37℃,5% CO2 培养箱中。 -
01. 准备冻存液,并提前预冷。
02. 确保待冻存的细胞满足冻存要求,用显微镜检查以下状态:健康的外观及形态特征、所处生 长周期(对数晚期)、无污染或衰退迹象。
03. 对细胞进行消化及离心处理(具体步骤参考传代培养流程)
04. 按照每管 1mL 的量添加冻存液重悬细胞,吹打均匀后分装至冻存管。
05. 将细胞放在程序降温盒中,在 -80℃冰箱中冷冻。
06. 后续将细胞转移到液氮罐中,以便长期储存。 - 抗体验证中
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Classification: LM EasyKO Gene Knockout Kit (RNP Method)
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